Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Headboard Benches

Headboards make great indoor or outdoor benches.  They are incredibly easy to find.  There are daily listings on Craigslist, under curb alert, for these little gems.  Sometimes you even see them put out with the trash in your neighborhood.  What a waste.  Someone at some point went through some serious labor, crafting these decorative pieces from solid wood.  By reusing the headboards we can add decorative touches to relatively simple furniture. 
We were able to find a full-sized headboard at the ReStore with some very nice lattice work on it.  The first thing we did was to strip it down, so that when it was repainted we could make sure that all parts of it matched.  Then using old 1X3’s and 2X3’s we fashioned a box for the seat and two squared off front legs.  When building the box we counter sunk all of the screws and filled the holes with wood filler.  No one wants to sit on a hot screw in the summer time.
The design is quite simple sans the lattice work; but simplicity is what we were aiming for in this outside bench.  In order to spruce it up just a bit, we painted it this funky yellow color.  The paint was also from the ReStore.  The paint was a great deal, but it is always a gamble to buy paint at the ReStore if you have a specific color in mind.  They do not have swatches in thier paint aisle, nor do they let you open the cans.  We are forced to use our imaginations in guessing what color matches the strange names given to the paints.  Luckily for us, we are big fans of "Antique Yellow".
If we don’t sell this one, I don’t think my brother will be upset.  It looks good outside his garage.
This garage will hopefully become our new worksite once it warms up a bit here.  Our basements get mighty stuffy with saw dust flying all about.  Plus it would be nice to get some work done outside!

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